Hi Florian,
Thank you again for the feedback.
You have some very good points, which I agree with. Not only this piece, but many other pieces that I’ve talked about are covered by the standard API. In addition, I agree with you that the best way to learn a language comprehensively is to go over the entire official documentation, because many languages/frameworks do a very good job of providing various needed documents. But how many people will read them? Even for those who read the entire documents, how much will they remember/understand? These questions are not only to others, but to ourselves too.
I assume that you’re here (on medium or internet in general) to learn something. One key element in learning is repetition. For the same reason, programming textbooks (e.g., Python Crash Course, Fluent Python) exist besides the standard documentation. They certainly provide something new, but most of their contents are some sorts of repetitions — but the key is that they summarize and piece scattered knowledge points together such that learners can have a more coherent opportunity to learn for any given topic. This is what my posts are trying to achieve, although some may not produce the desired outcomes.
If your time permits, I would encourage you to write some posts for the domain area, in which you have expertise. Because from your responses, I can tell that you have a very sharp view/judgement of technical content quality. I believe that you can make important original contributions to the platform/domain, and I am looking forward to reading your articles.
Best regards,